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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



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Shop 'Til You Drop

Supermarket shopping assistant. Create your weekly shopping list in the order that you walk round the aisles. Do you ever forget an item or have to go around again for something you missed? Not with a shopping list printed from Shop 'Til You Drop.

Software Book

Software Catalog: Catalog your software in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more.

Software Catalog

Software Catalog helps keep your computer software up to date. It stores application information, version numbers, registration information, application web sites, upgrade information, and more. Software Catalog can also act as a password database.

Software Tracker

Organize all your software programs with 18 different fields. Simple interface makes it easy to browse, sort, and print out all kinds of information on each program. Other features include custom reports, labels, searching, custom fields, and more.

Specimen Catalog

Specimen Catalog helps you to manage your collection of shells, butterflies, rocks, minerals, or other specimens. Keep track of the Latin Name, Common Name, Location Collected, Size, Color, Quality, Value, and more.

SpellExpress(tm) -- Instant Spell-Check, Thesaurus & Dictionary

SpellExpress provides instant access to a spell-check and thesaurus directly from your desktop. With SpellExpress you can spell-check a word or phrase and find meanings, synonyms, and antonyms from any application.

Splendid City Lite, Sports Scheduler

Splendid City Team Sports Scheduler, and Sports Scheduling Software System is useful for people who organize team sports or game events. Use it to manage and publish sports schedules of any size and complexity.

Splendid City Lite, Sports Scheduler (Mac OS X)

Splendid City Team Sports Scheduler, and Sports Scheduling Software System is useful for people who organize team sports or game events. Use it to manage and publish high quality sports schedules of any size and complexity.

Sports Card Catalog

Sports Card Catalog: Catalog your sports card collection in as much detail as you need, including the year of issue, brand, card number, team, type, description, date and price of purchase, and more.

Sports Card Collector

Organize your sports cards with 18 fields. Simple interface makes it easy to browse, sort, and print out information on each card. Also, custom reports, labels, searching, custom fields, a Notes section, a Statistics section, a graphic field, more.

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Когда миф превращается в действительность, чья это победа - материалистов или идеалистов?
Станислав Ежи Лец


Пан спрашивает мужика, приехавшего с ярмарки:
-- Где был, Иван?
-- Да где же, в Киеве!
-- И что же ты там видел?
-- Да все видал...
-- А почем же там дураки продаются? -- спрашивает пан,
чтобы посмеяться над мужиком.
А Иван ему:
-- А это смотря какой дурак. Дурного мужика могут отдать
за полцены -- понятное дело, мужик, темнота! А вот за глупого
пана такую цену заламывают, что ого-го!


Товарищи студенты, не бойтесь работать с источниками радиации. Это вполне безопасно. Вот, например, некоторые офицеры-моряки безвылазно по 3-4 года на атомных подводных лодках сидят, а в это время их жены рожают совершенно здоровых детей!

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