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» Holiday
Thanksgiving Shoot-out Screen Saver
Hunt for your next Thanksgiving dinner in this interactive cartoon screen saver. Select from 3 weapons: a shotgun, flame Thrower, or Rifle to cook your next turkey... Includes cool sound effects!
AD Happy Halloween - Animated Wallpaper
In honour of a holiday Halloween company EleFun has issued new, completely free-of-charge subject for Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers which and is called -"Happy Halloween".
Christmas Pictures Screensaver
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Deck your desktop with images that convey the spirit of the season.
The collection of colorful Christmas images includes: Santa, natty spruce, toys, embellishment,
home baking and cakes, gifts. It's available 40 images + 6 tunes
Halloween ScreenSaver
Journey through our 3D haunted cemetery as the undead rise from their graves and frolic in the moonlight. Skeletons, zombies, rats, crows, ghosts, and other unholy creatures dance through tombstones as disturbing sounds & dreary music fills the air.
Creepy Halloween Screen Saver
Creepy interactive animated Halloween screen saver. Just one of many modules in the MyCorkboard screensaver series, this module features spooky Halloween backgrounds, sticky notes, clocks, calendars, animated spiders and much more.
Christmas 3D Screensaver
Do you like Christmas? Too bad it comes only once a year. Hey, if you really, really like Christmas - why not have it every day? Christmas 3D Screensaver brings the warm feelings of joy right to your computer desktop. Check it out now!
Нет ничего тягостнее сознания только что сделанной глупости. И.С. Тургенев
Молодая женщина со слезами говорит своему мужу: -- Мой отец обанкротился! -- О Боже! Я так и знал, что этот скряга найдет способ раз- лучить нас...
Что вы пишете, товарищ солдат? Вы что, умный, что ли?!