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Home bookkeeping Lite
Home bookkeeping is to keep Your personal money. There are the following capabilities of Home bookkeeping: recording of expenses; recording of incomes; detailed report on expenses and incomes; providing of different diagrams and many other options.
Home bookkeeping
"Home bookkeeping" has been designed to save your personal expenses. "Home bookkeeping" presents the following features: recording the expenses, incomes, credits and debts, planning, a detailed report, diagrams constructing, printing, exporting.
Если можешь, будь умнее других, но не показывай этого. Ф. Честерфилд
Кощей Бессмертный приходит к Бабе-Яге: -- Бабуля, может, в кино сходим? Она подходит к зерка.-:у: -- Не для тебя, дурака, красна ягодка росла...
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