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» Utilities
» Html
4Hexillion ColorCombos
There are LOTS of 16 million color pickers out there. Many of them are slow. Most only show one color at a time. Colors on web pages do not exist alone. See three colors together. Compare how two colors look with a third. Hex or decimal numbers.
Just Tabs
Just Tabs can instantly create a customized tabbed interface to make your web site easier to navigate! This helps your customers find what they need and to make the purchases they need from you! Don't lose sales because of a poorly laid out site!
Interactive Resume Builder
Makes it easy to document your career as a beautifully laid out html file with hyperlinks to skill summaries. Word/text/clipboard formats. 37% off if full license is ordered within 7 days after download. Install program immediately for details.
Magic Calendar Maker
Magic Calendar Maker is a very easy-to-use utility for creating and printing calendars for one month. The user only has to select the month and year for which he or she wants the calendar. The starting day of a week can also be chosen.
Horizon Text & HTML Project Workshop
Horizon Text & HTML Workshop provides the tools you need to manage Text & HTML projects. Has Multiple Document Interface, word processor, HTML tag Auto-complete, re-wrap/re-format, quotes/taglines manager, personal note pad, and many other features.
CryptoForm FM Professional
CryptoForm FM Professional is a simple to use security solution that encrypts data entered through a web site. Excellent for collecting credit card details, sensitive information, etc.CryptoForm FM is the secure solution for online data capture.
Metadata Miner Catalogue PRO
Cataloging tool to extract file properties, metadata from files images or web pages in directories into HTML, XML files. Interactive interface filters by file and properties type. Command line creates XML and apply XSL transformations in batch mode
CGI Star Professional
Common Gateway Software (CGI) creation. Interactive web forms. Mail the form content or the entire page. Attach a file and send. Multi-form input or single click submission. Ideal for online order, feedback, subscriptions, etc. CGI on your server.
IEWatch is a plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to analyze HTTP/HTTPS headers, Cookies, GET queries and POST data. Furthermore you can view the HTML code directly in the browser window.
AppGini Free Trial Version
AppGini generates PHP database applications for MySQL. Create tables, View, add, edit, delete, sort and filter records. Advanced foreign key support. Supports CSS for customizing scripts appearance. Download free trial version now!
То, что людьми принято называть судьбою, является, в сущности, лишь совокупностью учиненных ими глупостей. А. Шопенгауэр
Приходит домой муж. Пьяный в стельку. Стоит возле две- ри, покачивается. А жена ну его ругать, упрекать да выговаривать. Муж -- ни слова. С трудом, молча дошел до стола, сел. А жена ему: и проклятый, и окаянный, и дурак, и осел... В ответ -- ни слова, лишь взгляд туманный, безразличный. И вдруг медленно поднял руку, протягивает жене. -- Не нужна мне твоя рука. Не хочу мириться, пьяница по- ганый. Чего руку тянешь? Муж руки не опускает. Слушал, слушал ругань супруги, а затем произнес с трудом: -- На, скрути фигу сама...
Еще одна страна, где я не нужен...