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» Utilities
» Html
Web Wizard Home Edition
The Web Wizard is a ground breaking application allowing anyone to create their own personal or corporate website. No knowledge of HTML is required - design of the pages is governed by an ever increasing collection of 'Themes'.
StyleVision Professional Edition
Altova StyleVision 2005 Professional Edition is the ultimate XSLT 1.0/2.0 stylesheet designer for graphically designing stylesheets that render HTML output from XML content and creating XML-based electronic forms to use with Altova Authentic 2005.
Web Wizard Professional Edition
The Web Wizard is a ground breaking application allowing anyone to create their own personal or corporate website. No knowledge of HTML is required - design of the pages is governed by an ever increasing collection of 'Themes'.
StyleVision Enterprise Edition
Altova StyleVision 2005 Enterprise Edition is the ultimate e-forms, db-report and stylesheet designer for transforming XML and database content into HTML, PDF and Word/RTF output. StyleVision supports XSLT 1.0/2.0, XSL:FO, and all major databases.
Shopping Cart Professional
Shopping cart software to create an online store. Insert cart into existing pages or make new pages. One-time licence fee. UNIX, NT and Windows webservers. Payment gateways. Dynamic catalogs. Free 30-day evaluation. Product file as Excel sheet.
Scripts Encryptor (ScrEnc)
Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Use it to protect your online content from unauthorized copying, reverse engineering and from webbots collecting email addresses and personal data.
Never accidentally use non-websafe colors again. WebColor is your own personal HTML pocket-palette! Don't do HTML without it!
WebExpert Pro
WebExpert Pro will help your website find oneself in the TOP10 positions of the major search engines.
Web Proofs
Photographers put your proofs online and save your customers the time of coming in to viewing proofs (also giving your your time)
Найти причину зла - почти то же, что найти против него лекарство. В.Г. Белинский
-- Послушайте, но это молоко -- чистая вода! -- возмуща- ется покупатель. -- Да, вчера наконец был дождь, и коровы, очевидно, намокли.
Прежде, чем стереть файл с диска, убедись, что он не твой!