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» Development Tools
» Http
WeOnlyDo Software's wodHttpDLX is a HTTP client ActiveX control that provides easy, both high and low level access to the complete HTTP protocol. It's primary purpose is to retrieve documents and other resources from the WEB.
Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 500 percent with this Windows Internet download accelerator. Schedule and resume broken downloads. It features download logic accelerator with dynamic file segmentation to increase ftp, http and https downloading speed.
Perl and PHP Development Environment with multi-file syntax-highlighting editor, Web utilities such as one-click FTP upload, execution to text or web-browser, auto form-filling, web server, MySQL integration, code templates, and multi-level backups.
AbsoluteTools-HTTP is a easy to use ActiveX COM Control that enables you to Interact with any webserver using POST or GET requests, simulating human interaction. Full session cookie support! This control supports HTTP and HTTPS (also with proxy).
Badger is a downloading robot that fetches (retrying as need be) multiple files for you while you can browse. It won't spy on you or take over your downloading life. If you care about privacy this is a great alternative for your bulk downloading.
Java HTTP Client
Provides features not found in the Sun HttpURLConnection implementation: NTLM support, many different timeout options, tracing, source code availability, and quick support. Completely plug-compatible with HttpURLConnection.
3лословящий есть самый лютый из диких зверей, а льстец - самый опасный из ручных животных. Диоген
- за что же ты бьешь меня, Вася, - спрашивает жена - знал бы за что - убил бы!
Красивая ,развратная девушка желает познакомиться.Звонить т. 67-87-45. Спросить Петра.