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StrutsGUI v3
Create and manage visual models of web application workflows using Microsoft® Visio®, a powerful Add-In and a collection of Struts stencil shapes.
Advanced ICQ Tools
Advanced ICQ Tools is a user-friendly and easy-to-use Internet tool that provides users of the popular Internet pager ICQ with new features. When you are away, Advanced ICQ Tools can automatically forward the incoming messages to your!
LOTA - The Obsidian Disc
LOTA - The Obsidian Disc is what's known as a 'code wheel defeater' for an old C64 computer game, called Legacy of the Ancients
Dynamic Biorhythms
Dynamic Biorhythms is an advanced multilingual tool for the analysis, forecast and comparison of biorhythms cycles of any person. The included DB-ICQ client will allow you to easily find new friends and maybe someone special compatible with you!
BrowserG! 1.0 beta
BrowserG! is the perfect Internet browser/web surfing companion. Packed with functionality, BrowserG! makes it easy to use your favorite desktop tools and favorite web sites alike. Press NetStart to start MSN(tm), AIM (tm), ICQ(tm), Yahoo Messenger(tm), Kazza(tm), Morpheous(tm), Limewire(tm) and other tools from within BrowserG! surf different sites with one click. Have your favorite links for a particular site come up for easy navigation. Stop clicking numerous times if you don't have to. If you have to type, or click a few pages to get to your final page, it is plain old wrong. Set up flags to lessen bookmark clutter. Store comparison notes with links of other auctions when surfing eBay(tm). Netscape(tm) 6.0/Mozilla(tm) plugin support. Enhancements you can live with. Currently, BrowserG! is in beta 1.0. (Install includes Mozilla download and JRE 1.3.0_0
Кот в перчатках мышь не поймает. Б. Франклин
Обняв столб, у входа в метрополитен стоит мужчина и плачет: -- Вот дьяволы! Не пускают человека в метро. Мимо идет прохожий. -- Идиот! Кто же тебя с этим торшером в метро пустит. Там же потолки во-о-о какие низкие.
23.06 Безносов утонул на городском кладбище.