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» Development Tools
Perl and PHP Development Environment with multi-file syntax-highlighting editor, Web utilities such as one-click FTP upload, execution to text or web-browser, auto form-filling, web server, MySQL integration, code templates, and multi-level backups.
MapForce Professional Edition
Altova MapForce 2005 Professional Edition is the premier visual XML-to-XML data mapping tool that auto-generates industry standard XSLT 1.0/2.0 transformation code. MapForce 2005 is the definitive tool for data integration and information leverage.
Altova Enterprise XML Suite
Altova now offers a comprehensive XML development tool set that delivers the highest functionality and the best product value. The Altova Enterprise XML Suite 2005 includes Enterprise Editions of XMLSpy 2005, MapForce 2005, and StyleVision 2005.
Altova Authentic 2005 is a FREE content editor that allows non-technical users to modify content in XML documents and databases. Just fill in electronic forms using the intuitive, word-processor style interface, and your data is instantly updated.
MapForce Enterprise Edition
Altova MapForce 2005 Enterprise Edition is the premier XML/database/flat file/EDI data mapping tool that auto-generates mapping code in XSLT 1.0/2.0, XQuery, Java, C++ and C#. It is the definitive tool for data integration and information leverage.
Database application development with automated Codegeneration, Features: entire presentation and functionality of the application is stored on one database server, contains a complete developer environment, automatic codegeneration, no deployment
Самопожертвование есть цель для пули каждого стрелка. К. Прутков
В тюремной камере - какой у тебя срок? - двадцать пять. - за что? - ни за что. - врешь! Ни за что десять дают.
Продаётся : словарь англо-русский на немецком языке.