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» Development Tools
XMLSpy Professional Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition is the industry leading XML development environment, providing intuitive editing views and powerful XML utilities to model, edit, transform, and debug XML technologies quickly and easily.
XMLSpy Home Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition is a totally FREE entry level XML development tool for designing and editing XML applications. XMLSpy Home Edition supports Eclipse integration and is ideally suited for hobbyists, entry level developers, and students.
XMLSpyEnterprise Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2005 Enterprise Edition is the industry standard XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging and transforming all XML technologies, then automatically generating runtime code in multiple programming languages.
VB 6.0 Code Viewer and Validator
A VB 6.0 Add-In that provides functionality similar to the Visual Studio .NET IDE view of code, with the ability to collapse sections of code to get a higher level view of the code logic.
You can also create custom folders to place files into.
TAS Professional 7 Powered by CAS
TAS Professional is designed to be a complete application development tool for graphical operating systems. It provides application building tools for the programmer new to application development, as well as the seasoned developer.
StyleVision Professional Edition
Altova StyleVision 2005 Professional Edition is the ultimate XSLT 1.0/2.0 stylesheet designer for graphically designing stylesheets that render HTML output from XML content and creating XML-based electronic forms to use with Altova Authentic 2005.
StyleVision Enterprise Edition
Altova StyleVision 2005 Enterprise Edition is the ultimate e-forms, db-report and stylesheet designer for transforming XML and database content into HTML, PDF and Word/RTF output. StyleVision supports XSLT 1.0/2.0, XSL:FO, and all major databases.
Simpledit is a customizable text editor with a multiple document interface, a taskbar, and many great features.
Altova Professional XML Suite
Altova now offers a full XML development tool set that delivers tremendous functionality at a special price. The Altova Professional XML Suite 2005 includes Professional Editions of XMLSpy 2005, MapForce 2005, and StyleVision 2005.
Antechinus PHP Editor
Antechinus PHP Editor allows you create, edit and run PHP scripts from the integrated environment.
* Context-sensitive help
* Help as you type with Intellisense
* PHP syntax check
* Class/function finder
* Auto error navigation
Пусть молчит тот, кто дал. Пусть говорит тот, кто получил. М. Сервантес
Врач после осмотра пациентки говорит ей: -- У вас головные боли, желудок тоже шалит, высокое кро- вяное давление... Ну, что ж, бывает... Простите, госпожа Османис, а сколько вам лет? -- Двадцать девять, конечно! -- Ага... И к тому же значительная потеря памяти,-- добавил врач, углубляясь в записи...
И шутники умирают всерьез.