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System Monitor
System Monitor is designed to monitor and manage Microsoft Windows computers on a network. It can monitor the usage of CPU, Memory, Disk Drives and Network Adapters. You can set it up to log events and create usage reports to databases.
The utility for automating routine computer tasks. It can archive data, run windows applications, copy files and folders,download files, send emails, start and stop NT services, etc. Tasks can be started by scheduler, system events, manually.
Mindbuilt Attendance and Project Tracker
Track exact employee work hours, deal applications, assign and manage tasks both in your office departments and projects. This software is network capable and comes with full reporting capabilities.
Password Lock Transparent Screensaver Utility
Password protect access to your computer, while monitoring programs that are running in the background. Perfect for system administrators, retail stores running computer demos,
or any user of email, instant messaging or live stock quotes.
Как многие интеллигенты, он не умел говорить просто о простых вещах. М. Пруст
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