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» Utilities
» Icon
PSS System Tray Icon Control
PSS System Tray Icon Control is a Royalty Free control that allows you to quickly add your application to the System Tray. You can change the icon and tooltip while displayed and a simple set of events event let you know when the icon is clicked
Desktop Resetter
Desktop Resetter is an easy-to-use program that stores desktop icon positions so that they may be restored when inadvertently moved (such as after playing a game, changing monitor resolutions, crashing, safe mode, etc.)
Instant Icon & Cursor
Make icon & cursors capture anything you see! Or make it from scratch. Frame your target and click. Nothing can stop Instant Icon, it even freezes animations! If you see it on your monitor, it is YOURS! Make tranparent areas, EASY!
То, что кажется странным, редко остается необъясненным. Г. Лихтенберг
-- Я в отчаянии! Помогите, доктор! Мой муж пускает колеч- ки дыма. -- Ну и что? Какая ерунда. Я тоже так умею. -- Может быть, и ерунда, но мой муж не курит...
Баба с возу - землетрясение в 5 баллов.