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» Image Conversion
Stardust Image Encoder 2004
Stardust Image Encoder 2004 allows you to easily convert images into smaller high-quality formats. It offers real-time preview, state-of-the-art compression, easy cropping/resizing, watermark capability, batch and command-line processing, and more.
PEERNET File Conversion Center
The File Conversion Center is a Microsoft Windows application that enables you to quickly and easily convert office documents, spreadsheets, web pages, PostScript files, and more into image or PDF files. (Trial key required)
Icon Master
It can create icons from any paint program you have. Istead of using primitive icon editors that are usually not better then windows paint, now you can draw icons in any drawing and painting program. Simply converts the saved file to ico...
Эпитафия: Он старался. Неизв.
-- Кто самый старый человек в вашем поселке? -- Никто. Самый старый умер на днях.
Hада таpапися не нада, шевилися нада. (Китайская поговоpка).