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» Graphics
» Image Converters
Universal Document Converter
Universal Document Converter converts to graphics any document you can print. The program is very friendly and easy-to-use. If you ever printed documents to a printer, you'll be able to start using UDC in no time.
Download batch photo editor and converter with 20+ photo effects including mosaic, shadow, border, page curl, whirl, sharpen, blur, contrast, emboss, smoothing noise, color balance. You can rotate images, change size, write text on image, and more.
Raster Handler for ERDAS Imagine to MapInfo
Allows to display and register rasters of ERDAS Imagine (*.IMG files) in MapInfo.
Georeferenced *.IMG images will be displayed directly in MapInfo Professional, MapX, and MapXtreme environments.
For free:
img2tab utility, Erdasreg.mbx.
PictView32 Console version
Fast command-line driven image converter supporting over 50 input formats and 21 output formats. Palette, reductions, resizing etc. Batch conversion is supported.
Frontbase Image to Icon
Create graphics with your favorite painting program, and then convert them into icon files with this program. The program supports BMP, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA, and RAS formats.
Convert images with the right mouse button menu in Windows Explorer.
Advanced Batch Converter
Stop wasting time renaming, resizing or converting images one by one. Quit getting frustrated over complicated image processing software like Photoshop that make performing the most basic image editing tasks a headache. Get Advanced Batch Converter!
ImageDIG consists of three integrated modules which allow the user to convert 2D flat images into 3D (x,y,z) data or if a graph, convert the graph in image form into 2 dimensional numerical data for further analysis. The third is 2D analyis plotter.
CoffeeCup PixConverter
Convert all your digital pictures to use on your Website, sending in email, posting on auction sites and lots more. The CoffeeCup PixConverter is the easy way to batch convert your digital pictures for all your needs.
Antechinus Photo Magic
Photo Magic is an image editing tool that is great for:
* Musical slide shows.
* Screen and resource capturing.
* Image effects. Over 20 filters and effects with preview.
* Batch processing. In a single go you can process a set of images.
Any to Icon
Any to Icon allows you to convert multiple BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PSD and WMF images to Windows icons in one action. It also breaks down entire icon libraries into individual icons. You can change color resolution and size to create customized icons.
Возобновленная рана много хуже противу новой. К. Прутков
Зашел цыган к хозяину и просит: -- Дай, браток хороший, поесть. Хозяйка только что приготовила кашу. Хозяин посадил цыгана за стол, поставил миску с кашей и говорит: -- Ешь, да смотри: похвалишь -- побью, поругаешь -- тоже побью, ничего не скажешь -- опять-таки побью. Съел цыган кашу. -- Ну, как? -- спрашивает хозяин. -- Не разобрал, батенька. Дай еще. Насыпали еще миску. И ее съел цыган. -- Ну как? Хороша? -- снова спрашивает хозяин. -- Да такая же, как и в первой миске,-- ответил хитрый цыган. Так и выкрутился.
Человек-невидимка может пукнуть и сделать вид, что это не он.