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» Imaging
Win32 application that creates chaos images.
Very easy to use because of sophisticated
automizations. Many options available for
expert users. New: Usability improved!
VideoSnaps provides for 'one touch' extraction of high quality and distinct Photographs, from a Video file - no more 'manual' picking of frames - NeuralTek's image matching techniques automatically look for unique pictures in the video.
Thumb Buddy
Create stylish photo albums of all your precious digital pictures in a snap. You can create any style album with features such as masking, shadows, perspective views just to name a few. Simply drag and drop to build your album. One button publishing!
TGrab is a new type of "image grabber": it takes screenshots in both a manual mode and in a timer automated mode. You can configure TGrab to take a picture at a preferred timer interval, during a time limited session or until a quantity is reached.
SIMAGIS - Smart Imaging Spreadsheet
Unique spreadsheet-based product for image editing and processing. Contains Batch Designer (custom function chain for batch imaging), Thumbnail Creator (Web galleries), Customization by Example, Work Table (designing and using algorithms).
BlackMagic Professional Edition
BlackMagic Professional Ed. is the ultimate tool for colorizing Black & White, Sepia, or IR (infrared) photos, or for color-correcting/ re-coloring ones with dull, faded, or inappropriate hues.
Antechinus Animator Professional
Easily create & edit animations, videos, images, and sounds in 40+ formats. Run your first animation in LESS THAN 5 MIN.
- Capture anything easily.
- Convert/merge/extract/join in ONE go.
- Music slideshows.
- 35+ effects.
- Web-optimize by 60+%
Image Viewer
View and resize digital images quickly and easily with the Markosoft Image Viewer. Features include a thumbnail viewer and a full screen slide show.
IDAutomation RSS Composite Image Generator
The IDAutomation RSS (Reduced Space Symbology) Composite Image Generator is a bar code image generation application that is used to create and paste barcodes into other applications.
Digital Photo Resizer
Digital Photo Resizer quickly and accurately resizes a mass of photos at once. One of the problems with many photographic software packages is that you cannot quickly resize many photos at once. This simple easy to use tool does it all for you in a couple easy steps. Creates Slideshows, Screensavers and Websites.
Быть богатым отнюдь не означает быть счастливым, как обладать женщиной отнюдь не означает любить ее. А. Ривароль
- дважды два - шесть! - заявляет оратор на митинге, и ег слова тонут в аплодисментах. - неправда, дважды два - четыре! - кричит правдолюбец, ко- торый после этого сразу исчезает на двадцать лет. Возвратившись из отдаленных мест, он снова попадает на митинг, на котором оратор под бурные аплодисменты заявляет: - дважды два - пять! - неправда, дважды два - четыре! - кричит правдолюбец, ко- торого жизнь ничему не научила. После митинга к нему подходит оратор, доверительно обнимает его и тихо говорит: - неужели вы бы хотели, чтобы дважды два снова было шесть?
Утром он был как огурчик: такой же зелёный и прыщавый.