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» Interfaces
Just NavBars
Creates stylish 3D, easy to follow navigation bars for your web site. Using standard HTML image maps or JavaScript mouseover routines you can create the customized one-of-a-kind navigation bar for your web site. Use existing images for navbars too!
Just Screenshots
Turn ordinary screenshots into 3D masterpieces and let your product screenshot stand out above the rest! Allows you to visually bring out the best in your screenshots by adjusting the perspective, masking, rotation, size and much more.
Just Tabs
Just Tabs can instantly create a customized tabbed interface to make your web site easier to navigate! This helps your customers find what they need and to make the purchases they need from you! Don't lose sales because of a poorly laid out site!
Если сознание смотрит снизу вверх, то подсознание - сверху вниз. Авессалом Подводный
-- Скажите, а черти вам не мерещатся? -- спрашивает врач пациента. Больной с сочувствием хмыкнул: -- Чудак вы, доктор. Да они, гады, и сейчас по углам вашего кабинета сидят. И на вашей шапочке двое...