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» Internet Server
Textweb is a hypertext notepad with a reporting and cross-referencing feature. It has a simple browser interface. It is intended to help record and think about complex networks of ideas, things, or people, and their interactions.
WFTPD - Windows FTP Server
With WFTPD, you can turn any Windows machine into an FTP site.
WFTPD is the oldest standalone FTP server for Windows, and has been in continued development since 1993. As such, it has a long history of stability, compatibility, security and speed.
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy Free
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
No Spam Today! SMTP Proxy
SMTP proxy mail filter that acts between the internet and your mail server. Incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. Compatible with all mail server software.
Искусство говорить слова для слов всегда возбуждало великое восхищение в людях, которым нечего делать. Н.А. Добролюбов
- что в Советском Союзе самое постоянное - временные трудности.
Друзья приходят и уходят, а враги накапливаются.