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RankDummy! is a powerful tool to obtain the search engine position and page number of your web sites on the top search engines Google, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, Altavista, Looksmart, and Inktomi.
This freeware makes javascript drop down and click-to-open tree menus for web pages. Tree menus work in all major browsers and most minor browsers. The program is easy to use. It does not require any javascript programming, and has many options.
1X Net Browser
A fast, compact, easy-to-use web browser with features unavailable in other web browsers. Includes Snippets, LinkGopher,Time Synch and Modem Stats. Reports website server and page details. Handy paper-save Print Previewer.
kaztrix DataBuilder
KazTrix DataBuilder 1.0 is the ultimate database designer/publisher. It allows novice and expert users to build databases of all kinds and access them on their PC or easily publish them to the Internet. Simply Intelligent!!
Чего никто не слышит, того никто не ценит. Греческая поговорка, любимая Нероном
Муж говорит жене: -- Я купил билеты в театр. На следующее воскресенье. Не пора ли тебе, дорогая, начать одеваться уже сейчас, чтобы хоть раз в жизни не опоздать?
И скучно и грустно и некому в морду дать.....