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Zero Ads Pop-Up Stopper and Ad Blocker
Stop Pop-Ups and Ads, Increase Privacy, Triple Surfing Speed And Enjoy The Net Again!
Imagine Yourself (5 Minutes From Now), Gliding Through The Net Three Times Faster While Being Shielded From Popup-Ads, Banners & Spying Cookies!
WebLog Manager Pro
WebLog Manager Pro lets you create your own custom web visitor tracking
system. Track standard log information, referrering sites, browser type
etc. Includes an E-Commerce Tracker identifies referring sites for
purchasers. Track visitors by us
WebCloner Pro Offline Browser
WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser, and e-book compiler. You can use it to scan, download, browse and convert to e-books (Self running executables or CHM) entire websites or just parts of them.
WebCloner Offline Browser
WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser. You can use it to scan, download, browse and convert to e-books (CHM) entire websites or just parts of them. It automatically archive downloaded websites.
web optimizer
Web Optimizer intelligently compresses web pages which accelerates your web site from 30% up to 70% – without changing your site's appearance.
SERanker Pro
Search engine position ranker which visually indicates your site ranking among the top search engines. Trend tracking, TOP TEN url listing with visual highlight domain names, Keyword Suggestion Tool, Improvement Tool
FREEWARE Link popularity tool, find/use expired or on-hold domains to generate extra traffic. Number of external links determine search engine results preference. Compare "best of breed", identify holes and what engine you need to submit to.
Reveal unindexed pages and increase search engine coverage. Uncover which pages are not in the top search engines, submit this and gather missing traffic. See exactly what pages are or are not indexed by the engines. Use the 45 day trial.
Prestwood Ping Server
The Prestwood Ping Server automates the monitoring of web sites and ftp sites by issuing ping or HTTP requests on regular intervals. Designed to send automated email messages whenever a site is determined to be down.
Pop Up Blocker/Toolbar
Stop all unwanted popups and popunders. Plus use our toolbar to get instant access to the 'Top Recommended' sites on the Internet. You can also join our Toolbar Contest and win $25.00 a day! Plus get news, weather, horoscopes, dictionary, etc.
Многие из тех, кто при жизни возведены были на пьедестал, никогда не будут иметь статуи после смерти. П. Беранже
Шеф читает докладную записку своего референта. Мор- щится, улыбается. Потом говорит: -- Уважаемый! Если интеллигентный человек не знает, как пишется слово "интеллигент", он пишет "культурный человек". Ис- пытанный способ!
Лучший способ запомнит день рождения своей жены - это один раз забыть его...