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Auto ShutDown XP Professional
The most advanced Auto ShutDown application on the market.
Functions include Schedules, Conditional shutdown, Security, Prevent PC Restarts, Quick Shutdown, Remote systems shutdown, user guide and lots more.
ABF Internet Explorer Tools
ABF Internet Explorer Tools is a set of very useful plug-ins for the popular MS Internet Explorer browser. The software contains a tool bar, page browser, magnifier bar, and a set of additional commands.
1ClickWenSlideShow searches a given Web site for pictures, downloads them onto your hard disk and shows using the built-in full-screen viewer. Extra fast HTML parsing algorithm allows to watch a real-time slide-show even with a slow modem connection.
GoogImager Browser
Small Internet Browser for Advanced Image Search with Google search engine. You can perform Image Search more easily and comfortable using this tiny browser and powerest search engine. This is other implementation of other our program - GoogImager.
HostInfo is a software product designed to retrieve domain and network information about
internet-hosts and IP addresses (owner name, contact information, DNS servers, etc.).
A dockable bar that shows you often used information like time, day, date, CPU and memory usage, disk space and internet data speed. You can easily set up QuickStart buttons on NikNak to start your favorite programs saving screen space.
iNetCalc is used to visualize and control the speed of internet connections. It displays the current speed graphically and numerically. It also keeps records of transferred data amount, determines quality of your connections.
Acid Drop
Acid Drop is an easy way of drag-dropping text from applications into one easy to manage area. Simply highlight any text string, then drag that string into any OLE-enabled document.
Cache & Cookie Washer
Cleans browser tracks for Internet Explorer, Netscape and AOL: including the cache, cookies, history, Auto-complete form data, and more.
Outlook Extractor
Don't waste your valuable time! Extract all email addresses from Microsoft Outlook. Choose your folders, everything is easy and automatic!
Талант без гения ненамного возвышается над уровнем голой виртуозности. Г. Гегель
Приехал брат в гости к сестре. Встретили его гостепри- имно. Накормили, напоили и спать уложили. Проходит день, вто- рой, а на третий муж сестры говорит своим детям: -- Вставайте, дети, поцелуйте дядю, а то он сегодня уезжает. А дядя повернулся на другой бок и говорит: -- Спите, детки, спите. Дядя еще не скоро уедет...
Если бы архитекторы строили здания так, как программисты пишут программы, то первый залетевший дятел разрушил бы цивилизацию.