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Variable Investment Analyst
Variable Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.
SprinN Standard eng
SprinN, the best prediction tool based on Artificial Intelligence techniques (Artificial Neural Networks), gives you accurate open, hold and close recommendations for your investments in Capital Markets. Up to three variables per model.
SprinN Lite eng
SprinN, the best prediction tool based on Artificial Intelligence techniques (Artificial Neural Networks), gives you accurate open, hold and close recommendations for your investments in Capital Markets. Up to three variables per model.
SpeedResearch Stock Market Browser
Web browser designed for online stock research. Browse your favorite research, quotes, news and charting sites in half the time and only setup your portfolio once. Works with any market and automates any web site.
Retirement Savings Planner
Quick. Simple. Visual way to plan your Retirement Savings strategy. Rated 5 Stars by ZDNet. As seen in Barron's, PC Computing, and PC World. Continually updated since 1995. Are you saving enough for retirement? This software will tell you.
APR Spread Calculator
Uses the Actuarial Method of calculating Annual Percentage Rates for mortgage loans as explained in Appendix J of 12 CFR Ch. II, Pt. 226, the portion of the United States Code of Federal Regulations known as Regulation Z.
Personal Stock Streamer
Personal Stock Stock Streamer is an advanced investing tool that combines real time streaming quotes and technical analysis charts with a complete transaction based portfolio manager that recalculates the value of your holdings in realtime.
DataBull - download stock quotes
DataBull is a comprehensive downloader for historical, end-of-day and intraday data from over 50 international exchanges. DataBull directly passes the data into your TA-software.
Checklist Investor
Stock Market Investment Software for the Intelligent Investor. Make Better Decisions by following a systematic approach using the strategies of the all time investing greats (Buffett, Graham, Lynch, CANSLIM, etc.).
Money Management Explorer
Money Management Explorer allows you to learn secrets of money management and position sizing. Now you will know how much to trade.
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