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» Keylogger
ProBot is a PC surveillance utility with remote administration and live monitoring features. Detailed reporting, flexibility, and e-mail delivery may help to detect data loss from electronic espionage and investigate computer crimes.
SnoopFree Privacy Shield
Don't fall prey to keyloggers and snooping software that records your activities. This Windows XP product provides firewall-like protection for your keyboard, screen and open windows. You'll know in real-time if anyone tries to spy on you.
SpyBuddy is a powerful monitoring and surveillance suite for PC's. SpyBuddy will record all PC and Internet browsing habits for you to review at a later date and time. Perfect for monitoring spouses and children!
EtherBoss MSN Messenger Conversation Monitor & Sniffer
EtherBoss MSN Messenger Conversation Monitor is a handy network utility to capture and log MSN Messenger chat on network. All intercepted messages will be saved on the disk automatically. It also provides rich-features report and finding system.
NETObserve allows you to remotely gain total control of you PC by connecting to it through a web browser! Features include transferring/browsing files, editing registry keys, system moderating and administration, realtime PC monitoring, and more!
Супружество - вольный союз двух людей, всю жизнь борющихся за свои права и независимость. В. Жемчужников
- хорошо ли в Армении с мясом - с мясом хорошо, а вот без мяса очень плохо!
Под лежачий пенис любовь не идет.