
В начало
» Utilities
» Keystroke
SpyKeySpy is a powerful, low level stealth keystroke (such as user name, password, e-mail, chat, instant message (MSN/AOL) monitoring application with e-mail delivery feature for remote monitoring, and much more! Full unvisible mode Win9x, WinNT-XP
The WinScheduler allows user to create macros working in all Windows applications and schedule them to run (repetitively) at defined time or when a specific event occurs. The macro language contains over 150 commands.
ClickyMouse, Standard Edition
Create macros working in any Windows application and trigger them by defined mouse action Key features: 150+ commands, macro debugger, visual macro editing, application specific macros, password protected macros and more.
MacroToolbar, Standard Edition
The program allows user to create macros working in any Windows application and run them on single mouse click from customizable toolbar. The macro complexity can range from simple text insertion to sophisticated applications.
Perfect Keyboard PRO
The program allows a user to create a file of frequently used phrases, paragraphs, e-mail addresses, macros, clipboard entries, scripts, etc. and use them in any application just by typing a short abbreviation (text shortcut) or pressing a hotkey.
Просыпаясь утром, спроси себя: "Что я должен сделать?". Вечером, прежде чем заснуть: "Что я сделал?". Пифагор
В одном бродвейском ресторане повесили объявление: "В случае неожиданной атомной войны просим посетителей сразу же оплатить счет и спокойно покинуть помещение".
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