
В начало
» Internet
» LAN Tools
Cresotech PocketLANce
Cresotech PocketLANce is a unique application allowing Pocket PC users to browse and manage LAN resources on their PDA devices. Access your corporate or personal LAN resources using your Pocket PC both outside and inside of your office!
Ace Password Sniffer
The most powerful and effetive password sniffer. Ace Password Sniffer can listen on your LAN and enable network administrators or parents to capture passwords of any network user. Currently it can capture passwords of http, ftp, smtp, pop3, telnet.
Сперва любовь, потом брак: сперва пламя, потом дым. Н. Шамфор
- когда наступит коммунизм - об этом будет сообщено в закрытом письме ЦК.
Жизнь отнимает у людей уйму времени