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» Utilities
» Launchers & Task Managers
Do you have to often launch the same applications several times? Do you want to open things using your keyboard, never having to memorize the multitude of hotkeys? Do you want to launch a program group with just two keystrokes? Then this is for you.
HotKeyz is a keyboard utility with hotkey / shortcut control for executing files, folders, Start / Run commands, opening your mail, browsing to a website and logging in and much more ...
Favorite Shortcuts
A quick launch utility that provides fast access to the hierarchical list of favorite and recently used programs, documents and folders. To bring it up, right-click on the Desktop, point to Favorite Shortcuts, and then click an item in the popup menu
Сначала восходят к аксиомам, а затем спускаются к практике. Ф. Бэкон
Известного путешественника пригласили в гости. -- Последние три года я жил среди людоедов,-- рассказыва- ет он собравшимся. -- Боже мой! -- воскликнула хозяйка, всплеснув руками.-- А я приготовила баранину с черносливом!
Посредством маразма дойдем до оргазма.