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» Utilities
» Launchers
The utility for automating routine computer tasks. It can archive data, run windows applications, copy files and folders,download files, send emails, start and stop NT services, etc. Tasks can be started by scheduler, system events, manually.
QuickStart is useful for those people, who find it very time consuming to go through the Start Menu every time. With this application, you simply type in a keyword of the application or document you want to start.
Schedule is a user friendly and dependable automation task scheduler used by major corporations worldwide. Schedule provides all the tools you need to automate your repetitive and / or complex tasks.
Tray Commander
Tray Commander is a launcher that was developed to let you quickly run your frequently used system commands directly from the system tray. It can open\close your CD drives, reboot, shutdown your system, run applications and many others.
Tray Commander Lite
Tray Commander is a multifunctional utility that was developed to let you quickly run your frequently used commands directly from the system tray. It can open\close your CD drives, reboot, shutdown your system, run applications and many others.
ProfileLink is the missing link between the user accounts and the location where the laptop is used.
WinTopMost Site License
Disables close window button of selected applications to control that a proper logout comand is issued when leaving Telnet or avoid Excel close button. Topmost features, set windows always on top of all other. Interactive interface or command-line
WorkManager Pro
WorkManager Pro lets you automate working with multiple tasks on a PC. With this handy tool you can arrange as many tasks (programs, documents, URLs and system commands) as you need into one Work. This Work can be run with just one click!
RAUL stands for 'Run As User Launchpad'. RAUL is designed to allow specified individuals access utilities such as Task Manager in a restricted desktop environment.
nnCron LITE
Small, freeware, full-featured scheduler, that can launch applications and open documents at specified time or with specified frequency. Can be started as a system service or as a regular standalone application. This is a UNIX Cron ported to Windows.
Мы делаем вид, будто нам лень завоевывать славу, и при этом лезем из кожи ради ничтожнейшей корысти. Люк де Клапье Вовенарг
-- Жена! А, жена! Иди-ка сюда! -- Ну что такое? -- Нет, ты только посмотри, какую морду наел на наших мы- шах соседский кот!
Невменяемая женщина - женщина, которая в конце полового акта кричит "Не в меня!!!"