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» Logging
Kiwi Syslog Daemon
A Windows and NT Syslog Daemon that receives, logs, displays and forwards Syslog messages from Routers, Switches and UNIX hosts. Many custom options. Includes PIX firewall TCP support and LinkSys home firewall SNMP support. Service edition available.
Acute Softwares Diary
Quickly and easily manages Appointments and Notes even if the main program isnt running. Also reports on what applications and files you used during any day, week or month - great for people who have to produce timesheets.
Acute Softwares Timer
Acute Softwares Timer has three main timing modes: Manual Mode (Acts as a standard stopwatch); Timer Mode (count for a fixed amount of time...like an egg timer); Alarm Clock Mode (timer will count until a preset time of day). Up to 32 timers at once.
Blue dot
Blue dot is a free GPL licensed Perl CGI tracking and web site activity measurement script which generates Apache combined style access log files. These log files can be analyzed with most standard log analysis tools.
MultiWave triplex
MultiWave plays Sound samples via Hotkey. Open some sound files and have fun!
Заблуждения, заключающие в себе некоторую долю правды, самые опасные. А. Смит
Отец девушки говорит кандидату в зятья: -- Вы, очевидно, курите, пьете, играете в карты и погляды- ваете на женщин? -- Нет. у меня нет таких недостатков. -- Ну и плохо, очень плохо, поскольку у меня эти недостатки есть и я не хочу, чтобы моя жена постоянно ставила мне вас в пример!
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