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Vegas Red Casino
The hottest casino to hit the net since anyone can remember, Vegas Red exploded onto the scene in November 2003. Vegas Red will simply blow you away with seriously superb graphics, all the latest games and $888 Free welcome bonus!
Casino DelRio
Launched in April 2003, Casino Del Rio quickly established a loyal base of players who simply love it. Casino DelRio is free and boasts over 60 games, 3D animated graphics and a host of industry-first innovations and features.
Casino Tropez
Established in January 2002, Casino Tropez quickly accelerated to become one of the online industry's leading full service casinos. Casino Tropez enjoys an excellent reputation in the online community for offering fair gaming and boasts over 60 games
Lotto Creo Professional
Software works by using a full and abbreviated wheeling system with filters, graph... A wheeling system is the most important function that serious players use to increase their chances of winning. The program works with all Pick 4,5,6,7 lotteries.
369 Way - Vegas Keno
369 Way - Vegas Keno consists of two keno games in one, 369 Way Keno and Vegas Keno. Easily change play modes, within the game. Features incude Autoplay, Advanced Card Marking Features, Sound, speed controls, Save/Load Game and more.
Europa Casino
Europa Casino is fully free and boasts over 60 games, 3D animated graphics and a host of industry-first innovations and features like real time game and transaction histories, playing for real money or training with virtual money. 100% sign-up bonus!
Analysis Lotto
What's the better bet? Pick 6 lotto numbers out of 50... or 6 from 15 ? Our system tracks Deltas - the differences between the digits of winners - which have amazing characteristics, and which give you a way to pick winners from fewer numbers.
Paragon Poker Pal
A neat poker calculator that provides the winning odds on any Hold Em/Stud/Omaha poker hand. Sees your cards as they are dealt and Poker Pal will tell you the odds of winning as a % and suggest the correct play based on your settings
Increased Odds
Increased Odds makes the picking of lottery tickets fun and exciting. Increased Odds allows you to build a database of lottery history and use the results from statistical charts to create sets of numbers for your favorite lottery.
CastleLotto helps you predict the right numbers to win Lotto. Analyze your own numbers in depth. Examine past results. Which numbers are most likely next draw ? Generate weighted random numbers. CastleLotto supports all major forms of Lotto.
Любой фат подобен трясогузке. К. Прутков
Для поездки по Ирландии муж с женой взяли напрокат фургон, запряженный огромной кобылой. Целый день они разъез- жали по окрестностям, а к вечеру остановились у реки отдохнуть. Муж, никогда до этого не живший в сельской местности, довольно смело стал распрягать лошадь. Перед этим он достал фотоаппарат для моментальной съемки и начал снимать кобылу в самых разно- образных ракурсах: спереди, сбоку, сзади. -- Это что, уникальное животное? -- спросила жена. -- Да, конечно. К тому же я просто не смогу запрячь ее за- втра утром, если не будет этих снимков.
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