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» Audio
» MIDI Player
Sweet MIDI Player for Windows
MIDI playerfor not only auditioning all types of MIDI files, but for modifying the MIDI files themselves. Use its mixer-like interface to easily edit the control messages, transpose the music, change the tempo, mute desired MIDI channels etc.
Sweet Sixteen MIDI Sequencer
A comprehensive and powerful MIDI sequencer. Sweet Sixteen
offers Piano Roll, List and Transform edit pages as well as a dedicated Mixer page you can use
for your favorite synthesizer.
Windows midi/wav MCI Player
This is a Windows MCI Player for listening to .midi or .wav files. The application was built for windows using ActiveX controls. For more information, please visit http://activex.moonvalley.com
Когда со мной сразу соглашаются, я чувствую, что я не прав. О. Уайльд
- скажите, это уже коммунизм или будет еще хуже
Демократия - это та же бюрократия, только demo.