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» Audio
» MP3 Encoders
Text To Mp3
Converts Text to Wave, MP3 or WMA Files and helps design a read aloud MP3 book for you. This helps solve a lot of your daily problems with electronic text. Using a mp3 player you may now listen to documents
WAV to MP3 Encoder
Encode your WAV files into MP3 for online sharing, or storing on your computer or MP3 player. WAV to MP3 Encoder gives 40 different bitrate options for encoding, including 3 sampling rates and 2 channels. Batch convert WAVs in our easy interface.
WaveNET mp3
A free mp3 encoding software package that uses LAME mp3 encoder to give you excellent sounding .mp3 files from your .wav files. Convert wav's to great sounding mp3's simple and fast.
ContextConvert Pro
Convenient, powerful, and highly configurable application for converting among nearly all conceivable multimedia formats. Simply right-click on any audio, image, or video file, and you can immediately convert it to any other supported format.
CDMaster32: Burn MP3/MOD/OGG/WAV to CD, MP3 to WAV, CD to MP3/OGG/WAV. Download your FREE evaluation copy from this page today!
3 stand alone programs included
ASPI Rip - use ASPI to Rip CD, Encode MP3 or Ogg, Re-sample, record LP's or tapes, includes full featured ID3 Tagging and Auto file naming.
JukeBox Tools
6 programs: Rip CD, Encode MP3 or Ogg, Record LP's or Tapes, Visual audio editor splitter, Auto recorder for LP and Cassette ripping and gap less recordings.
Play MP3, OGG, WMA files in full featured JukeBox, ID3 Tagging, Album creation and more.
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