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» MS Office
Public SyncTool
Synchronise your Outlook with your Notebook. Public SyncTool provides a powerful synchronization, enabling consumers to keep all of their information, calendars, e-mail, contacts and tasks constantly up-to-date between a PC and a Notebook
XL Navigator
Add-in for navigating in Excel. It allows you to close, delete, move, rename workbooks, worksheets, names, links, etc. by one click.
ADX Toys 2 XL
Is a free COM add-in that adds several useful features to Microsoft Excel.
The add-in is based on Add-in Express 2 technology (http://www.add-in-express.com/).
ADX Toys 2 XL supports MS Excel 2000 and higher.
Advanced Excel Find & Replace
Microsoft Excel add-in that much extends Excel's build-in Find. It allows you to search through all opened workbooks as well as to replace found items.
Is a free COM add-in that adds several useful features to Microsoft Excel.
The add-in is based on Add-in Express technology (http://www.afalinasoft.com/).
ADX Toys for Microsoft Excel supports MS Excel 2000 and higher.
Complete Excel Names
Complete Excel Names is a free COM add-in that allows you to set the width of the Name Box in Microsoft Excel.
The add-in is based on Add-in Express technology (http://www.afalinasoft.com/).
Complete Excel Names supports MS Excel 2000 and higher.
Typos Finder
An add-in for Microsoft Excel that helps you polish off all typos in your Excel workbooks.
Его речь журчит, как вода в унитазе, но ничего не смывает. Авессалом Подводный
Терпит бедствие большой пасажирский теплоход. По ра- дио объявляют: -- Пассажиры, купившие билеты в рассрочку, садятся в шлюпку первыми!
Чем бы дитя ни тешилось лишь бы не вешалось.