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Text Replacement utility. Type a few characters and ShortKeys will replace them with up to 3000 keystrokes. Great for repetitive text needs. Automate tedious and repetitive typing. Reduce errors. You will be amazed how much time ShortKeys can save.
Keyboard Express
Keyboard Express is a Windows keyboard macro utility. It allows you to issue just about any series of keystrokes to your windows applications with the touch of a key. These keystrokes can manually be entered in and assigned to over 700 hot keys.
MMOGer is a utility for boosting your RPG and MMORPG game characters. It takes the tedium out of online [and offline] gameplay. No more typing commands over and over again. Execute a command, or group of commands, at the time intervals you specify.
Macro Express
With Macro Express you can create timesaving macros for specific applications and global macros that will work with any Windows program. Dozens of wizards are available to help you create the macros that will automate common computer tasks.
Script your own macros and hotkeys. Any key, mouse/joystick button, or combination can become a hotkey. Automate almost anything: Send keystrokes & mouse clicks; launch programs/documents; work with the clipboard, registry, & soundcard settings.
EZ Macros
EZ Macros 5.0A has some exciting new features that continue to make it the ultimate keyboard macro utility. The intuitive interface makes EZ Macros the perfect tool for both new and experienced users.
Если сердце молчит, отказывает и память. Авессалом Подводный
Продавец книжного магазина советует покупателю: -- Мы получили новое издание сонетов Шекспира с пре- красными иллюстрациями. Купите! -- Не может быть,-- удивляется посетитель,-- неужели он еще пишет?!
Водка - это враг, а солдат врагов не боится