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» Membership
ServiceBuilder is a church software database program for scheduling worship services and seeker services. Create groups and sub groups, organise your instrumentalists, your dramas, your specials, everything!
Site Entry Professional
Software to set up members-only access to content, products, documents, etc. Lets you keep these files in "hidden" directories not visible to the web. Ideal to safeguard access for club members, subscribers, clients and employees. CGI on your server.
MemberTies Professional
Complete membership database solution! Track contact info, dues, donations, relationships, activities, attendance, and much more. Send integrated email, print or create labels, reports, and rosters. Many customizable features. Free support!
FundRaiser Basic
Software for fundraising and donor management that makes it easy to keep up with donations and to track donors and prospects. Correspondence, reports, queries, import/export. Complete yet VERY easy. Upgradable - great for growing nonprofits.
Complete membership database solution for small to medium! Track contact info, dues, relationships, activities, and much more. Print labels, reports, and rosters. Many customizable features. Free telephone and online support!
О том, что сделал - не кричи, Что будешь делать - умолчи; Поведай - только без прикрас - О том, что делаешь сейчас. А. Гафуров
Мендель решил похитить свою возлюбленную. В полночь он увел ее через окно и на такси повез на вокзал. Приехав на ме- сто, он спрашивает у водителя: -- Сколько я вам должен? -- Ничего, отец невесты уже рассчитался.
Так до чего же жить хорошо?