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» Utilities
» Menus
Save valuable managerial time while gaining control over operations. Includes recipes, inventies, menus, purchasing, vendor price comparisons, links to cash registers, make/buy comparisons.
Advanced Java Tree Menu
With this feature packed and highly customisable Java Tree Menu quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and much more.
Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. Source Code also available.
CoffeeCup Effects Factory
Use GIF's and JPG's to create 20 different Java Applet image effects like cross-fade, page flip, drain, emboss, underwater, ripple, and more. It's easy.
CDMenuPro Personal Edition
Use CDMenuPro to start your CD or DVD automatically with your own individually designed CD autoplay menu - corporate presentations, documents, product catalogs, dissertations, job applications or slide show.
1st Javascript Library
1st Javascript Library(Coocool Stupid Web Tricks Tool) lets your imagination run wild. You can create amazing homepage effects to spice up your web-site without any knowledge of Java or Javascript.
Use CDMenuPro to start your CD or DVD automatically with your own individually designed CD autoplay menu - corporate presentations, documents, product catalogs, dissertations, job applications or slide show.
Apycom Java Menus and Buttons
Apycom Java Menus and Buttons is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior drop down menus, bars, tabs, and animated buttons for their websites and web applications. No any javascript or java experience required.
My Tools
My Tools represents the next generation of Windows desktop menus. It hides itself until you need it and easily holds all of your favorite Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts. It can keep your Desktop clean and replace your bloated Start Menu.
iTree Pro-XQ Powertree
Java tree menu, drag 'n' drop, tabs, extreme scalability. User-definable icons. True-type fonts. Stacking tab rows. Line-wrapping. Preview screen. Search facility. Runtime editors. API.
Script triggers. Multiple scrolling logics. Checkbox items.
Каждый настоящий писатель, конечно же, психолог, но сам больной. В. Шукшин
На заводе - лекция о вреде мяса. Лектор говорит, что мяс плохо усваивается организмом и вызывает преждевременное старение. - от мяса ноги мерзнут! - кричит один рабочий. - это что-то новое в науке, - говорит лектор. - а как же! Ежели перед сном мяса поесть, во сне х... встает, одеяло задирает и ноги мерзнут!
И еще раз о никотине: Капля никотина убивает лошадь, а капля героина пробивает лошадь на хи-хи.(КВН Новосиб)