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» Screen Savers
» Military
Armed Forces Screensaver
This Screensaver shows images of Army of the USA and NATO. On your desktop: Armed Forces on land, in air and on water. Amongst images such - soldiers, tank, heavy artillery, jets in flight(F15,F18,E3Awacs, Blue Angels ) and others.
A turn based, multiplayer, play by e-mail war game. As large a group as you like can play at any pace the group decides on. (e.g. from one turn a week to several turns a day.) Each turn typically takes only a few minutes to play.
Air Force Screensaver
This screensaver shows images of USA Air Force and NATO. Gallery includes such planes models: F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F-16 XL2, F-18 Hornet, F-22 Raptor, SR-71 Blackbird, Blackbird, B-1 Lancer, Harrier, Tornado, F-106, B-2 and others.
Find & Replace
Find & Replace is a solution to support software that processes Text files or incorporates Template files in their processing. Given a text file, a search string, and a replace string, F&R will make the substitutions and put the results in an output
Marine Corps
Fantastic photographs of America's premiere fighting force. The few and the proud are represented on the ground and in the air in this mighty screen saver.
Части изменяются, целое же неизменно. Анаксимандр
-- Будьте любезны, скажите, могу ли я получить свидание с заключенным Брауном? -- Он только вчера освободился. Зайдите через месяц.
"Моя хата - с краю, мой офис - в центре!"