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» Minesweeper Games
Manic Minefields (for Mac OS X)
Manic Minefields is really 12 pumped up minesweeping games in one, as it features 12 uniquely designed minefields with beautiful graphics, to choose from.
Other features include a marathon mode, a hint/help function and import/export best times.
Manic Minefields (for Windows)
Manic Minefields is really 12 pumped up minesweeping games in one, as it features 12 uniquely designed minefields with beautiful graphics, to choose from.
Other features include a marathon mode, a hint/help function and import/export best times.
Manic Minefields (for Mac Classic)
Manic Minefields is really 12 pumped up minesweeping games in one, as it features 12 uniquely designed minefields with beautiful graphics, to choose from.
Other features include a marathon mode, a hint/help function and import/export best times.
Кто говорит, тот сеет, кто слушает, тот собирает жатву. П. Буаст
- какое значение имеет для вас Советский Союз? - спросил поляка. - это буферное государство между Польшей и Китаем.
Рождественская pаспpодажа. Каждые полгода!