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SurfMarks is a simple task pad, that allows you to store temporary notes, web links and tasks close at hand. It stays on top of the Internet Explorer windows, but remains partially transparent, so it doe not disturb your browsing much.
OutBack Plus
Protect your valuable Outlook data (email messages, contacts, contact manager DB, tasks, email accounts, signatures, message rules, etc) with a simple to use backup and restore utility.
IPMonitor is a sophisticated network monitoring solution.
HTML Calendar Maker Pro
Ever wanted a web page calendar for your personal or professional web site? Try out HTML Calendar Maker Pro, which makes monthly web page calendars a snap! It even includes color schemes or you can customize it to match the flavor of your site.
NetInfo is a collection of 15 different state-of-the-art network tools on a single, easy-to-use interface.
Очень трудно искренне служить Богу. И не потому, что задание трудное, а - искренности не хватает. Авессалом Подводный
Черновицкий ОВИР выиграл соцсоревнование с горисполкомом п числу сданных квартир.
Помните, что скромная бутылка водки не только украсит ваш стол, но и скроет ваши кулинарные промахи