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Quick File Rename Personal Edition
Very easy to use batch file and folder renaming utility, with INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER SUPPORT! Features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, DOS 8.3 file convert, file rename using wildcards, file mask, mixed case rename, MP3 id3 tagging and MANY more.
SCP Backup
SCP Backup is a remarkably simple and efficient backup utility. It is so easy to use that you can back up your critical data on the fly with a single mouse-click. The key is easy-to-create back-up profiles and great compression.
SCP PDF Editor
SCP PDF Editor is a program to help you create acrobat pdf files, with some advanced features such as table, hyperlink and image support. No other software is required to create your pdf files. The program also supports password protected pdf files.
3 Great programs to help you build your pdf files from rtf, text or images.
Windows Defender
With a few simple clicks you can customize Windows Defender to protect your files and personal settings. Each time a program, website or user attempts to change your windows settings "Windows Defender" will ask for your permission before it continues
Fast Folder Rename
Fast Folder Rename allows you to rename multiple folders at once (first of its kind!) just by dragging and dropping from an explorer window. Options include changing of first letter to uppercase, all letters to uppercase/lowercase and more!
Folder Maker
Folder Maker is a batch tool that allows you to create dozens of folders effortlessly and easily. Enumeration allows you to number your folders, while prefix and postfix options allow total customisation of folder names. With CSV file support !
Swiftly display your shortcuts, favorites and documents in alphabetical listings.
Пусть люди обходятся без принципов, но не давайте им софизмов вместо истин. Э. Ренан
Как уехала дочь на стройку, так и не прислала ни одной весточки родителям. И вдруг через десять лет телеграмма: "Встречайте детьми люблю целую скучаю". Покряхтели старики, пошли встречать на станцию. Выхо- дит дочь из вагона, с ней трое: один на руках, другой держится за юбку, а третий из-за спины выглядывает. Обнялись, поохали, поахали. Отец и говорит: -- А старшенький твой вымахал ого-го! Акселерат... -- Папа, ну вы скажете такое?! Это не старшенький, а мой но- вый муж. Арнольд, выйди из-за спины, познакомься с родителями.