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» Utilities
» Miscellaneous Utilities
Random Word Generator
Random Word Generator creates lists of random, artificial words. Other features: customizable word construction engine, generate many words into a file, generate words similar to others, generate all possible words from a given format, and more.
XP App Wizard
Windows XP allows each user to customize his or her Start Menu and startup applications. Unfortunately, it can be difficult and time-consuming to configure the Start Menu. The XP App Wizard allows you to organize your Start Menu user-by-user.
Edit binary files. Dataformats: ascii, unsigned (base 2-36: bin,oct,dec,hex,etc) and signed integers, float, bitflags, bitfields, labels, ebcdic, time_t and structures of datatypes. Different sizes and byte ordenings. Edit hard disk devices.
Unleash your creativity with MonkeyPhoto! Design unique digital photos with a few mouse clicks. Print or email with the push of a button. Intuitive interface is perfect for non-technophiles. Browse, rotate, and enhance digital pictures with ease.
Перо, пишущее для денег, смело уподоблю шарманке в руках скитающегося иностранца. К. Прутков
- будет еще хуже! - говорит пессимист - хуже уже не будет, - отвечает оптимист.
Лиха беда - начало, а дальше к бедам начинаешь постепенно привыкать.