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» Modem
Dialgo Personal Call Center
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback, Wave Recording, Digit Monitoring, POP3 Email Manipulation, Speech Recognition and Synthesis.
Ascendis Caller ID
Ascendis Caller ID works with your caller id service to track and announce phone calls and block annoying telemarketers! Calls can be announced with pop-up windows, sounds, or text-to-speech, and can trigger email, run other programs, or hang up.
PhoneTray Dialup
Don't miss another call while online! PhoneTray Dialup can notify you when someone is calling while you are online. This full featured Caller ID software shows and speaks callers name and number, logs your incoming calls and blocks unwanted calls.
PhoneTray Free
Easy to use FREE Caller ID software - shows CallerID, speaks name and number, logs all your incoming calls. Reject any unwanted call, zap telemarketers with special tone or play Federal do-not-call warning to remove you from their lists - by law!
IdentaFone Pro
Call logging software that offers many ways to keep you informed about your caller's identity including speech, paging, PCS/GMS, email and screen pops over a LAN. Includes call blocking, speed dialer and phonebook.
NetSpeeder is a professional accelerator. It can fundamentally optimize your internet connection speed by up to 300% and substantially improve your download speeds for all types of connections from dialup to DSL, Cable, and Wireless.
ActiveComport Serial Port Toolkit
Serial port toolkit to enable applications or scripts to communicate with a modem or other serial port device. Features full com port control, binary and ASCII data transfer, support for RS 232 and RS 485 standards and ISDN modem support.
TAPI Caller ID popup program that overlays the Caller ID over your screen and slowly fades away. Ms Outlook screen pops for IP phones (Cisco, NBX,ESI etc) and modems.
Произведение искусства - это уголок мироздания, увиденный сквозь призму определенного темперамента. Э. Золя
- вы уже запаслись мылом и стиральным порошком - нет, а что? - ну, как же, ведь Хрущев теперь взялся за химию!
Утром, даже если вы немного перекусили кабель ближайшей силовой подстанции у Вас будет или горло дирол, или глаза из орбит.