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» Mortgage
Real Estate Calculator Suite
Includes 16 Calculators; 3 Quick Calcs, 2 Downpayment Savings Calcs, Date Calculator, Mortgage Qualifier, 2 Loan Amortizers, Loan Spread, Biweekly Payments, Refinancing, an Estimated Closing Cost, Home Seller's Proceeds and a Prepayment Calc.
Feature-rich mortgage amortization program. Enter any three figures and compute the fourth. Supports fixed, variable, biweekly, Canadian, and more. Animated 3D graphs, 'rich text' notes, customized printouts, discount points breakeven, much more.
Home Buyers Calculator Suite
Includes 13 Calculators; 3 Quick Calcs, a Mortgage Qualifier, 2 Loan Amortizers, Loan Spread Calculator, a Biweekly Payment Calculator, a Refinancing Calculator, an Estimated Closing Cost Calculator, Home Seller's Proceeds and Prepayment Calculator.
Mortgage-UK calculates the true cost of UK mortgages and allows
you to compare mortgages and the effect of different interest rates and
overpayments. It is designed for the UK market, but may work
for other country's mortgage systems.
Жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы быть незначительной. Б. Дизраэли
Адыл жалуется в кругу друзей: -- Моя жизнь -- это сплошное невезение. Имею одну жену и трех дочерей. А всю жизнь мечтал иметь трех жен и... одного сына!
- Помнишь Вася, как мы зимний брали? -- Да, погорячились...