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» Utilities
» Mouse Utilities
Mouse Tamer
Mouse Tamer allows you to record your mouse with a single click and play it back as many times as you like. You can also completely control your keyboard. For precise control of your mouse, you can create and save your own scripts step-by-step.
Mouse Wheel Control
Do you want to use your mouse wheel in any Windows applications? Or you want to use it otherwise?
Mouse Wheel Control is easy-to-use mouse utility, which allows you to do it. With this program you may assign keystrokes with mouse wheel actions.
Лучше работать без определенной цели, чем ничего не делать. Сократ
-- Синьор, прошу вас, дайте мне тысячу лир, я с самого утра ничего не ел. -- Я тоже... -- Тогда дайте две тысячи, и я приглашаю вас поужинать со мной!
Длинные ноги - не роскошь, а средство передвижения !