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» Keyboard
» Mouse
RSIGuard Stretch Edition
RSIGuard is an ergonomic tool for the prevention of Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, deQuervain's, tendinitis etc.) including trauma modeling break timer, automatic mouse-clicking, macros & automatic long-term work pattern logging.
Zigzag Cleaner Plus
Zigzag Cleaner Plus lets you control your computer with one mouse move. Just make a quick symbol, a "Z" or "O" for example, and the program will hide applications, open CD-ROM drive, and more.
Hot Keyboard Pro
Do not waste time on everyday monotone work! Hot Keyboard assumes all your repetitive work on the computer!
Clean 'n' Go
Ever noticed how you always have your computer turned on when you realise
you need to clean the mouse (or spill a drink on the keyboard and need to
mop it up in a hurry)? And while cleaning the mouse, you inadvertently
screw up running programs?
Script your own macros and hotkeys. Any key, mouse/joystick button, or combination can become a hotkey. Automate almost anything: Send keystrokes & mouse clicks; launch programs/documents; work with the clipboard, registry, & soundcard settings.
ClickyMouse, Standard Edition
Create macros working in any Windows application and trigger them by defined mouse action Key features: 150+ commands, macro debugger, visual macro editing, application specific macros, password protected macros and more.
Key Mouse Genie
Key Mouse Genie lets you control your mouse using your keyboard. Enables you to move the mouse, send left clicks, right clicks and double clicks. Also has Mouse Wrap Functions www.vsisystems.com - Vsisoftware.com
MacroToolbar, Standard Edition
The program allows user to create macros working in any Windows application and run them on single mouse click from customizable toolbar. The macro complexity can range from simple text insertion to sophisticated applications.
Mouse Keyboard Wizard
Lets you type using your mouse. The keyboard can be customized. The Keys can moved around, hidden and resized. Any you click on will send that letter to the last application that had focus.
Фортуна не только сама слепа, но и ослепляет каждого, кого заключит в объятья. Цицерон
- Иосиф Виссагионович, смогли бы вы для дела геволюци гасстгелять десять человек? - канэшно, Владимир Ильич! - скажите, батенька, а десять тысяч человек гассгелять смогли бы? - канэшно, Владимир Ильич! - так, так, батенька мой... А если бы для дела геволюции нужно было гасстгелять десять миллионов человек? Смогли бы? - Ленин быстро взглянул на собеседника и хитро прищурился. - канэшно, Владимир Ильич! - э, нет, батенька мой, вот тут-то мы вас и попгавим!
Лучше переспать, чем недоесть!