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» Graphics
» Music Notation
QuickScore Elite
Comprehensive, integrated software for music composition, incorporating music notation, arranging, MIDI sequencing and recording together in one package.
QuickScore Elite Level II
Comprehensive, integrated software for music composition, incorporating music notation, arranging, MIDI sequencing and recording together in one package.
Vivaldi Gold
Professional notation software, intuitive and equipped with an incredible array of functions, adapted to the needs of every type of user.
Music score editor/automatic accompaniment creator which lets you create, edit, transpose, play, import scanned music, and print music notation without knowing music copyist rules. Supports General MIDI drums, Handbell and Plectrum banjo music.
Graphical music publishing software for Windows.
Copyist is the music notation tool that lets you create with ease those tricky musical examples that more expensive and complicated programs trip over their feet trying to reproduce.
Дать мало от малого - похвальнее, чем много от многого. Ибн Абд Раббихи
-- Петров, вы можете объяснить, почему вы пьянствуете каждый день! -- Нет, днем я не пьянствую. Днем я отдыхаю. А вечером я с помощью соседа Петрухи привожу себя в нетрезвое состояние.
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