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» Development Tools
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS Classic)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Mac OS X)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
SQLBoss Developer (Windows)
SQLBoss Monitor and SQLBoss Developer - The ultimate Database & Content Management Tool for many SQL databases like mySQL, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, OpenBase, ODBC and many more. Included beta drivers: Valentina, dtfSQL and 4D.
Sync Database
Sync Database is an easy solution to synchronize schema of mySQL databases. When you alter database, add or change columns, indices or constraints, sync using SyncDB is a quick and painless process.
Perl and PHP Development Environment with multi-file syntax-highlighting editor, Web utilities such as one-click FTP upload, execution to text or web-browser, auto form-filling, web server, MySQL integration, code templates, and multi-level backups.
Гнев - кратковременное безумие. Гораций
Явившись на пункт проката, мужчина спрашивает: -- Сколько будет стоить прокат лошади? -- Два доллара в час,-- отвечает служитель. -- А как вы определяете время: когда возвратится лошадь или когда приковыляю я?
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