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» Network Administration
Webserver Stress Tool
simulates any number of simultaneous users accessing a webserver. Just select the URLs of your server or web application, choose the number of users and you are told how long your customers have to wait when visiting your website. Supports SSL!
VisualPulse Web Edition
VisualPulse enables 24x7 Web-based monitoring of Web pages, servers, network nodes, and TempTrax devices, reporting Ping, HTTP, SNMP, TCP statistics and temperature readings. Provides automated alerts and traceroute capture for problem analysis.
Resplendent Registrar
Resplendent Registrar for Win2003/XP/2K/NT/ME/9x offers a very complete and safe solution to administrators and power users for maintaining the registry on both their desktops, remote computers on their network as well as registration files on disk.
Asset Tracker for Networks
This program is used to audit software and hardware components installed on the network PCs. It will collect your network inventory information, provide you with the detailed reports and allow you to export assets details to SQL database or web site
Alchemy Network Inventory
Network Administrators use this tool to inventory computers in the corporate networks for the software and hardware configuration, generate software licenses reports, etc.
AccessAble Help Desk Suite
A multi-user, web enabled help desk program with an Access 97 database on the backend, but an easy to use interface that makes data entry quick and easy.
LanTool Beta
Manage your network. Determine, what computers are connected and who's logged on. Remotely shutdown, restart, lock the systems or logoff users. Get useful information about a remote computer, such as IP & MAC addresses, Transfer files, etc.
IPCheck Server Monitor
IPCheck Server Monitor 4 offers reliable network and website monitoring, support for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 and a web based user interface. Sensor types include PING, PORT, HTTP, HTTPS, Advanced HTTP, HTTP Transaction, DNS, SMTP, POP3, SNMP and custom
Background application (windows service) to move, copy and purge files locally or on remote systems. Tasks can run continuously or at pre-defined times.
Network Administrator's Toolkit
Network management tools. Consists of the three components that will monitor your corporate servers availability, inventory user workstations and allow you to fix user PC's misconfiguration problems without having to leave your own workplace
Да будет все к лучшему, но ежели что-нибудь случится, то Аристотель распорядился так... Начало завещания Аристотеля
- каким требованиям должен будет удовлетворять новый сор хлеба? - он должен быть таким, чтобы его нельзя было скармливать скоту.
Сарайка - это девушка за рулем