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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Profit Contribution Breakdown Excel

Profit Contribution Breakdown identifies the components of your business profit. This component performance is combined with indicators for future potential and business ability to identify areas that will maximize current and future performance.

Vidamic Netlog

Monitors your networked computers and reports hardware & software changes. The software is a valuable tool for ensuring that you have total control of where computers are located, their levels of performance and the hard/software installed.

EtherDetect Packet Sniffer

EtherDetect is an easy for use and award-winning packet sniffer and network protocol analyzer, which provides a connection-oriented view for analyzing packets more effectively. With the handy tool, view connections, packets and data on the fly.

HttpDetect (EffeTech HTTP Sniffer)

A HTTP protocol network sniffer, packet analyzer and file rebuilder. Unlike most other sniffers, it is dedicated to capture IP packets containing HTTP protocol, rebuild and save the HTTP communications and files sent through HTTP protocol.

EtherBoss MSN Messenger Conversation Monitor & Sniffer

EtherBoss MSN Messenger Conversation Monitor is a handy network utility to capture and log MSN Messenger chat on network. All intercepted messages will be saved on the disk automatically. It also provides rich-features report and finding system.

Find Protected

Search for password protected files on local disks and across a network. Find Protected addresses the security problems associated with unauthorized or illegal use of confidential company information.

MSN Sniffer

MSN sniffer is a handy network control utility to capture and observe MSN chat conversations on network. It records MSN conversations automatically, and all intercepted messages can be saved as HTML files for later processing and analyzing.

Ace Password Sniffer

The most powerful and effetive password sniffer. Ace Password Sniffer can listen on your LAN and enable network administrators or parents to capture passwords of any network user. Currently it can capture passwords of http, ftp, smtp, pop3, telnet.

Omniquad Surfwall - Enterprise Manager

Manage user access to web sites, prevent misuse on the internet by staff during office hours. Surfwall is a solution to the problem of recreational internet usage by employees, providing 99.99% categorization accuracy allowing policy implementation.

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Жизненная позиция: ненавижу! Диагноз: общее отупение на почве крайнего эгоизма.
Авессалом Подводный


Зять поругался с тещей. Вывел он ее на балкон и спра-
шивает у соседа слева:
-- Вано, ты что сделал со своей тещей?
-- Я ее зарезал.
Спрашивает у соседа справа:
-- Сосо, а ты что сделал со своей тещей?
-- Я ее утопил.
Вот видишь,-- обращается он к своей теще,-- а я тебя от-


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