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» Network Tools
WebXQ Server
WebXQ is a full featured stand alone Web Server with a multitude of enterprise level features including support for multi-homed machines, the ability to run as a service under 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, secure files and directories, and more.
TZO Dynamic DNS with PhotoSharing
TZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix a static domain name
to a dynamic IP address. This allows Internet users with Cable, DSL and
dialup Internet connections to host their own photo server,website, FTP
and mail server and more
TelnetXQ Server
TelnetXQ is Telnet Server offering enterprise level features, including: access logging, configurable ports, maximum users, maximum logon attempts, welcome/exit banner, maximum users banner, ability to add/delete users and more.
Subnetting Calculator
Subnetting Calculator.NET was designed with network administrators in mind. Just enter in the the IP address or Network address and the select the Subnetmask. You will then know what network the address is on, all other networks available
Process Supervisor
Process Supervisor applies user configured rules to running processes to temporarily restrain out-of-control processes, default specific processes to certain priorities, terminate unallowed processes, and log executions. Network compatible.
DNS4Me puts you in control of the Internet by giving you the power to deliver the content of your choice from your computer. Host your own Web server, FTP server, email server, and much more without the hassle of a hosting company.
Network Administrator's Toolkit
Network management tools. Consists of the three components that will monitor your corporate servers availability, inventory user workstations and allow you to fix user PC's misconfiguration problems without having to leave your own workplace
ActiveXperts Network Monitor
ActiveXperts Network Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring all aspects of your LAN and WAN servers, workstations and devices.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor supports Windows platforms, UNIX platforms, Linux platforms, and Novell platforms.
Alchemy Network Inventory
Network Administrators use this tool to inventory computers in the corporate networks for the software and hardware configuration, generate software licenses reports, etc.
Asset Tracker for Networks
This program is used to audit software and hardware components installed on the network PCs. It will collect your network inventory information, provide you with the detailed reports and allow you to export assets details to SQL database or web site
Нельзя быть настоящим математиком, не будучи немного поэтом. К.Вейерштрасс
-- Я долго думал, есть ли вообще идеальный мужчина... И возможно ли такое? -- И к какому выводу ты пришел? -- Возможно было. То есть -- все в прошлом. -- Объясни, пожалуйста. Ты имеешь в виду рыцарские времена? -- Ну что ты! Идеальный мужчина -- это тот, кого знала же- на, пока не вышла за него замуж.
На Родине хорошо, а дома лучше.