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» Utilities
» Network Utility
With AppSpy managers can easily track the usage of particular files and applications on a Novell Netware File Server within their company. Learn which files are most frequently used during the course of a day, week, month or year!
DirSpy allows you to see all those using network files within a specific directory. Other impressive features of DirSpy include extensive server/client information, volume information, volume disk space monitoring, directory information, etc.
Disk Auditor Net
Scan for and store daily network file statistics such as creator, deletor, archiver, creation date, deletion date, last access date, last archived date, etc. Tally important file statistics for specific directories such as # modified files, etc.
FileSpy allows users connected to a network with Novell Netware to see all the users who are using a specific file. It also allows viewing of the user's rights to the file/directory, how the file was opened, the user's network address, etc.
FileSpy Pro
FileSpy Pro is a powerful file monitoring utility for Novell file servers. Discover how many users opened a file, the length of time a user had a file open, how many times a user opened a file, the average length of time a user had a file open, etc.
До аскетизма нужно дорасти. Авессалом Подводный
Наркоман, вор и убийца сидят в одной камере. -- Украдем у охранника ключи и убежим,-- предлагает вор. -- Давайте лучше убьем его и убежим,-- говорит убийца. Наркоман, забивая косяк: -- Да бросьте вы, ребята! "Украдем", "убьем"! Вот сейчас курнем -- и улетим!
Мышка бежала, хвостиком махнула,яичко упало и опухло