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» Network
Advanced Host Monitor
HostMonitor is a system management tool that continuously monitors servers availability and performance. It has 55 test methods, 25 alert methods, highly flexible report and log manager. Package includes Log Analyzer, Web Service and other utilities.
NotePager Net
Network paging software that allows for group paging, on-call messaging, scheduled paging, preprogrammed messages, and repeating messages. NotePager Net is a paging gateway that facillitates sending messages to paging devices and cell phones.
Alchemy Network Inventory
Network Administrators use this tool to inventory computers in the corporate networks for the software and hardware configuration, generate software licenses reports, etc.
NetStatus is a monitoring application designed to monitor anywhere from 1 to 50 servers or devices on a network. Tests include HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Ping, Disk Space, NT Service Status, POP3, SMTP and more.
Graphical network statistics showing open TCP/IP ports and their connections. Allows for printing or saving to a text file as well as the ability to hide connections to the local machine.
SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer
SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer is a professional tool for analyzing, maintaining and monitoring local networks and Internet connections. It captures the data passing through network card and represents this data in an easily readable form.
Advanced Direct Remailer
Powerful remailer which sends your message straight out to the recipient's mail server. Multi-threaded direct delivery, internal SMTP server, mailing lists, databases, plugins, open API, ActiveX/COM interfaces, Socks5, more.
NetZoom for Visio 2000
NetZoom Solutions are companion products that enable users to create detailed network diagrams and presentations in a wide variety of diagramming applications including Microsoft Visio.
With BriefAudit, every user can easily see document changes history.
It selects files modifications events keeping only the essential informations: Date and time of file modification, Modifier's identification into comments area = file properties.
IPetC Basic
Without reboot, IPetC changes IP on all Windows.
IPetC Basic is a utility for Windows that changes IP address.
Especially, if you use Windows 9x, IPetC Basic makes you free from reboot.
Как многие интеллигенты, он не умел говорить просто о простых вещах. М. Пруст
-- Я вынуждена огорчить тебя, милый. Мои кулинарные спо- собности пока минимальные. Умею хорошо готовить только ново- годний торт и рыбу,-- призналась молодая жена мужу. -- Понимаю, душечка. Ничего страшного, со временем все- му научишься. Только скажи, пожалуйста: то, что на тарелке, это торт или рыба?
Народу собралось, яблоку плюнуть негде!