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Power Email Collector
Fast-multithreaded email address collector. Collect email addresses from domains like hotmail.com Collects over 500,000 valid emails an hour. Auto save extracted addresses. Includes a utility for merging/deduping large email address files.
Power Email Verifier
Power Email Verifier can check your email lists for valid emails. It can import large lists with no problem. Uses multithreading to verify emails at a very fast rate. Simulates the sending of email without sending any messages.
NewsSense Desktop
NewsSense Desktop is a desktop information and notification application which helps you to stay informed about your interests. Regardless of your interest, this front-end will deliver news from all your favorite publishers directly to your desktop.
MAPILab NNTP for Outlook
MAPILab NNTP is MAPI transport which allows to read and post to newsgroups in Microsoft Outlook. This means that a news server account works the same as Exchange Server or POP3 account, support remote headers and it is managed in Send/Receive menu.
Easy Email Sender
Powerful bulk email software program with easy to use wizard style interface. Multithreaded design with built in mail server. Powerful html message editor. Attachment, Html/Text message support. Import large address lists with no program.
Хлопотуны, мудрователи, все за мною! За мною! Тимон
Когда Сталина похоронили у кремлевской стены, на его могил появился венок с надписью: "Посмертно репрессированному от посмертно реабилитированных".
Куплю оружие, наркотики. Телефон посредника 02.